關於full bore的評價, Joseph Prince
Once, I was watching a movie about the passion of Christ. In one scene, as Jesus collapsed from the...
Once, I was watching a movie about the passion of Christ. In one scene, as Jesus collapsed from the...
This Good Friday, let’s take time to remember how...
Dear friends, Your blessings (divine health, wh...
Beloved, our blessings have been bought by Jesus’...
🈵️ 新的一年元月滿滿活動抱抱🤗 🐿️1/9(六)洗車場開幕SG 10:30~13:00 🔍西屯區環...
一切都感覺很不真實 (文長慎入) - 我從2014年就已經成為TSR A組選手 那時候的我...
速克達 in 麗寶國際賽車場 最佳單圈 勁戰六代 2:00.831 JETS 1:58.975 ...
久違的南部活動💕 FULL BORE 美國飛寶石油 Taiwan FULL BORE - Since...
SYM JETS in 麗寶國際賽車場G2賽道 緊繃一圈 1:59.3秒 #你說1分58那圈呢 #...
日本富士六耐我們挑戰成功了🏆 S-Global組 #698 127圈,拿下分組第2 總合...